Technical information about the selected satellites..

Name Information Patch
SWSU-55 Student satellite

Activated (Not Received yet): SSTV & FSK

Down: 437.0870 (No6) or 437.1125 MHHz

GREENCUBE Italy-Oscar IO-117
Usefull information about the greencube

Digipeater Up/Dwn: 435.310 Mhz GMSK 1k2 to 4k8

ISS International Space Station
Current status to communicate with ISS
Activated: SSTV or FM Transponder
Tianhe Chinese Space Station
Current status to communicate with CSS (Information)
Activated (NOT RECEIVED YET): SSTV, Repeater, Digipeater

V/U Up: 145.875 MHz / Down: 436.510 MHz
U/V Up: 435.075 MHz / Down: 145.985 MHz
Digipeater V/V Up: 145.825 MHz U/U 437.550 MHz
SSTV V/V Up: 145.850 MHz Down: 145.985 MHz
SSTV U/U Up: 437.550 MHZ Down: 436.510 MHz

SO-50 Saudisat 1C
Current status to communicate with SO-50
Activated: FM Transponder
AO-73 FUNCube 1
Current status to communicate with AO-73
Activated: 1.2 BPSK, SSB/CW Transponder

BPSK: 145.935 MHz down
Transponder: 145.950 - 145.970 Down / 435.150 - 435.130 MHZ Up

AO-92 Fox-1D
Current status to communicate with .. soon
Activated: FM Transponder
PSAT-2 NO-104
Current status to communicate with PSAT-2
Activated: 1k2 APRS, DTMF, PSK31, SSTV

PSK&SSTV: 435.350 MHz down
PSK31 / USB: 29.4815 MHz up
APRS: 145.825 MHz up

Current status to communicate with Transponder
Activated: BPSK and transponder

FUNcube telemetry: 145.84 MHz
Transponder: SSB/CW up: 435.1-435.12 MHz down: 145.855-145.875 MHz - Inverted.

SWSU SWSU series
Current status to communicate with SSTV
Activated: Different telemetry

Payload: 437.075 MHz 1200/2400/4800 bps .AX25 AFSK,SSTV,AUDIO,TEXT
Telemetry: 437.050 MHz 1200 bps . AX25 AFSK;


On this site we will give information from (cube)Sats where you can use the transponder
or track SSTV pictures. Their are many sites who will give you information about data receptions.

Extra: At the website of PE0SAT you will find a full list with Satellite Frequencies.

Track your own satellite - Vs 0.8 / 20-07-2021 © PA2EON